New paper on gene-co-expression network analysis led by recent graduate Dr. Prarthana Shankar and PNNL’s Dr. Ryan McClure is now online in BMC Genomics!
New paper on gene-co-expression network analysis led by recent graduate Dr. Prarthana Shankar and PNNL’s Dr. Ryan McClure is now online in BMC Genomics!
Carrie is a part of the Empowersports Women’s Riding Council
She also recently did an article with Forbes on her professional and personal life
And to top it all off she did a promotional video with Polaris!
Lindsay has been elected as the new Junior Graduate Representative for the SOT Molecular and Systems Biology Specialty Section (MSBSS).
Subham has been elected as the Postdoctoral rep for the SOT Molecular and Systems Biology Specialty Section MSBSS.
Congratulations to you both!
Prarthana recently passed her defense and is now officially Dr. Shankar, we are all so proud of you!