Graduate Students
- Bennion, Scott
- Chlebowski, Anna
- Chellam-Jesudason, Partiban B.
- Cleveland, Kate
- Conley, Nicole
- Denluck, Lindsay
- Fisher, Joe
- Franzosa, Jill
- Garcia, Gloria
- Garland, Michael
- Geier, Mitra
- Goodale, Britton
- Haggard, Derik
- Holden, Laura
- Knecht, Andrea
- Matthew, Lijoy
- Miller, Galen
- Reimers, Mark
- Saili, Katerine
- Santillan, Claudia
- Sengupta, Sumitra
- Shankar, Prarthana
- Tilton, Fred
- Usenko, Crystal
- Wehmas, Leah
- Zodrow, Jean-Marie
- Christopher M. Sullivan
Visiting Scholars
- Alpren, Liz
- Andreasen, Eric
- Bugel, Sean
- Das, Siba
- Elie, Marc
- Haendel, Melissa
- Harper, Stacey
- Kim, Kitae
- Nkrumah-Elie, Yasmeen
- Noyes, Pamela
- Roper, Courtney
- Stanley, Kerri
- Stegeman, Nadia
- Tal, Tamara
Early Career Scientists
- Russel Schaaf
- Emma Odone
- Austin Nichols
- Cameron Johnson
- Connor Johnson
- Madeleine Koegler
- Alicia Johnson
- Jay Adams
- Julia Jamison
- Maura Shire
- Sam Speir

Carrie Barton – Faculty Research Assistant
Currently a laboratory manager for the University of Utah

Dante Perone
Joined in 2019

Arianna Sanchez – Undergraduate Researcher
Joined in 2019

Prarthana Shankar
Currently a postdoc at the US EPA in Duluth, MN

Claudia Santillan
Currently working in an Outreach position in Texas.

Lindsay Denluck
Currently a Scientist in Nonclinical Development at Sage Therapeutics

Michael Garland
Currently an Associate Toxicologist at California Department of Toxic Substances Control

Laura Holden
Currently a small business owner

Anna Chlebowski
Currently an Associate Scientist at Novo Nordisk

Derik Haggard
Currently a postdoc at the US EPA

Gloria Garcia
Currently a postdoc at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD

Mitra Geier
Currently a Scientist at the California EPA in Sacramento, CA

Andrea Knecht
Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Pacific Northwest Research Institute in Seattle, WA
Joe Fisher
Currently employed at Microsoft

Leah Wehmas
Currently a postdoc at the US EPA

Britton Goodale
Currently a Scientist at Dartmouth University

Galen Miller
Formerly a Postdoctoral Scientist at UC Davis

Jill Franzosa
Formerly a Postdoctoral Scientist at UC Davis

Katerine Saili
Currently a Toxicologist at the US EPA

Partiban B. Chellam Jesudason
Currently a Process Development Specialist at Lonza in Singapore

Sumitra Sengupta
Currently a Scientist at Johns Hopkins

Kate Cleveland
Currently an outreach coordinator in New Mexico

Crystal Usenko
Currently a Histocompatibility Technologist at Baylor University

Lijoy Matthew
Currently a Chief Scientist at the GlaxoSmithKline in London, UK

Fred Tilton

Mark Reimers
Currently Associate Manager at UpSpring/RB Consumer Safety

Jean-Marie Zodrow
Currently a Senior Scientist at Geosyntec Consultants
Scott Bennion
Currently an MD practicing in Michigan
Nicole Conley
Current Employment Unknown

Lindsay Wilson

Christopher M. Sullivan

Russell Schaaf

Emma Odone

Austin Nichols

Connor Johnson

Madeleine Koegler

Alicia Johnson

Jay Adams

Julia Jamison

Maura Shire

Sam Speir

Parker Choc

John Parks

Matthew Meyer

Parth Shah

Courtney Roper
Currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Mississippi

Sean Bugel – K99 Awardee
Currently working at Rutgers University

Subham Dasgupta
Currently working as assistant professor at Clemson University

Marc Elie
Currently an Analytical Senior Scientist at MycoTechnology

Pamela Noyes
Currently a Senior Scientist for the US EPA located in Washington, DC

Yasmeen Nkrumah-Elie
Currently the Director of R&D for External Research at ChromaDex

Nadia Stegeman
Left to raise a family

Kitae Kim
Currently an Assistant Professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology

Siba Das
Currently working as a scientist in the field in Seattle, Washington

Tamara Tal
Currently a Professor at the UFC Center for Environmental Research, in Leipzig, Germany

Kerri Stanley
Currently a Toxicologist in Waltham, MA
Liz Alpren
Currently a scientist at Oregon State University

Stacey Harper
Currently a Professor teaching EMT courses at Oregon State
Eric Andreasen – Scientist FDA
Rest in Peace

Melissa Haendel – In Cooperation with Dr. George Bailey
Currently the Principal Investigator at the OSU Linus Pauling Institute