Congrats to Dr. Robyn Tanguay for Receiving the 2023 SOT Toxicologist Mentoring Award!

Robyn Tanguay has been awarded the 2023 SOT Toxicologist Mentoring Award for her commitment to mentoring and advancing the careers of dozens of toxicologists thus far in her career.

She will be honored with this award during the 2023 SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 19–23, 2023


Robyn Tanguay Speaks at Annual CEG Research Symposium at the University of Cincinnati

The University of Cincinnati’s Center for Environmental Genetics (UC CEG) held “its annual Research Symposium on Wednesday October 26, 2022, with featured speaker Robyn L. Tanguay, PhD, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University; Director of the Pacific Northwest Center for Translational Environmental Health Research (NIEHS P30 ES030287); and Principal Investigator of the OSU Superfund Research Program (NIEHS P24 5P42ES016465).  Dr. Tanguay spoke on Using Multidimensional Zebrafish Data to Advance Environmental Health Sciences.” She was the Plenary Speaker for the night and we could not be more proud!

The University of Cincinnati goes on to say: “The seminar was followed by updates on several recent CEG-funded pilot studies, with topics including fluoride exposure, mitochondrial function and neurodevelopment; remote sensing-enabled machine learning for river water quality modeling under multi-dimensional uncertainty; programming the skin microbiome against environmental pollution, elucidating the liver protective functions of BRUCE; the role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in directing the differentiation of progenitor blastomeres; and academic-community partnerships in the study of regional air pollution.”


Tanguay Lab Wins Yet Again at PANWAT 2022!

The Society of Toxicology held their 2022 Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists (PANWAT) Regional Chapter on October 3rd in Spokane, WA. The year’s theme was “Precision Pharmacology and Toxicology.”

From left to right: Madeleine Koegler, Lisa Truong, Annika Gehl, Mackenzie Morshead, Christian Rude, Lindsay Wilson, Lindsey St. Mary, Connor Johnson, and Austin Nichols

For Best Undergraduate Presentation, Madeleine Koegler won 2nd place:

And 3rd place in Best Undergraduate Poster is Austin Nichols:

For Best Graduate Poster, Lindsay Wilson won 3rd place:

And our very own Dr. Lindsey St. Mary won 3rd place for Best Postdoctoral Presentation!